Hey everybody :)
So we found a family that looks really promising. Funny story actually, so we were out on our faith walk late at night near our apartment where nobody walks, just hoping that we would run into somebody. We ended up talking to some drunk guy and he told us that we could come over the next day at 3 and he gave us the address. So we went over the next day and nobody was home, so we walked around for a minute and ended up talking with this lady for a minute and she was interested and told us that we should talk to her husband about it, she lead us to the house the drunk guy told us to go to lol :) so it turned out that the guy gave us a phony address, but we might have gotten a golden family. We weren't able to meet with them our first appointment, but the wife kept calling us to come back again and again until we were able to meet with them. The appointment went wonderfully, the parents seamed really interested and we are going back to there house on Tuesday :) hopefully everything works out.
That so far is the best thing that's happened on my mission so far. It's pretty hard out here when nobody wants’ to talk with you, but when you get that one family that listens and they contact you instead of me trying to get a hold of them, really makes this worth while. Even though I don't know what is going to happen with them, I'm starting to realize more every day that what I'm doing means something to other people and that just buy talking to somebody for a minute is all it takes to plant a seed in there heart, that maybe some day they might call the missionaries to come talk to them :)