So you would not believe how happy I was when I herd president Monson
say that Star ValleyWyoming was going to get a Temple. Now I know that it won't really benefit me since S.V. is like 4 hours away or something like that, but the fact that WYOMING is getting a Temple just makes me happy L( and i love the face the Prez Monson gave when he announced Wyoming haha I found it quite hilarious.

Well this week has been pretty good I guess. We were driving back to the Oxford church yesterday after a bit of hiking and there was this beaver that started bolting to the road! It almost got hit by one of the cars in front of us and was like O CRAP I COULD GET KILLED so it pulled the fastest 180 i have ever seen and bolted the other way back into the woods! It was pretty funny to watch actually. E. Clark and I were like "Was that a beaver?!?!" haha yup so i have now seen a bob cat and a beaver out here, i might even see a deer after 13 months O.o how cool would that be ;) haha ok so not the most amazing thing but i would think it ta be pretty cool. So just like E. Foust JR said, if you have not watched all 5 sessions of conference THEN STOP READING THIS AND DO SO!!!
Alright so this week what happened! O so like I was saying about yesterday. So we went to this place towards Oxford that had a chasm and it was actually pretty cool. I got a good amount of pic's i think and will hopefully be sending them your way here shortly, 4gb sd card is kind of hard to fill up so I have been shooting as many videos as possible since that takes up a lot of memory :). Before we went hiking though we were in the Oxford church recording :) how cool is that huh. So E. Clark has a couple of songs that he made up and one of them was for last transfers district. So we went to the church so we could record the songs that the other missionaries wanted and i recorded them on my camera as well cuz there actually pretty darn good songs :). Then we went hiking and after that we just went to subway and had some lunch/dinner kind of think cuz it was like 330 when we ate haha so a late lunch I guess. So yesterday was pretty fun to say the least. On Friday we were able to go to Paul and Mary's house. Paul is a Less Active and Mary is our new investigator!!! It was a pretty cool lesson. We talked a little bit about the Word of Wisdom and a lot about the Plan of Salvation. She has two adopted handicapped children one with autism and I'm not sure what the other one has. So they were really curious about the hole baptism thing with handicapped people so we told them and let them know about the entire Plan of Salvation. Afterwards we asked her if baptism would be something she would like to do and she let us know that it probably would be but that she would need to learn more before making that decision :) so that was a pretty cool lesson. So looks like that's about all i got for now :) anyway i hope you all have a wonderful week and have a lot of fun :)
Elder Camron Foust