Hello there everybody! So I almost forgot to send all of you an e-mail! So this might be a short one but we will see what I can do with the time that I have left :). Anyway This week has been interesting to a small extent. Not necessarily because of the work, but because of the apartment moving! So it in confirmed that we are going to be getting a new apartment here within the next 2-3 weeks for sure. Before you all possibly freak out about me possibly getting a letter or package in time, there is no need to worry, we aren't leaving our current apartment till AFTER Christmas, and probably not till AFTER new year's, but I'm not positive on the new year's one. O so yesterday on P-Day was pretty fun. All of the elders here ended up getting some Nerf guns and we had a Nerf gun fight :) it was pretty fun to say the least. I think next week the sisters will be joining us and we will have a bigger fight so that will be intense. O so we were able to meet with a new person who we found in the area book. His name is Steven, and we have been trying to get an appointment with her for the past 7 weeks, and we were finally able to get a time set with him that we could teach him a little bit. We ended up teaching the restoration to him because one of his questions was, "what do you believe" so the restoration is a pretty darn good lesson to get a lot of basic beliefs out to the person. It was good also because we were able to leave him with a B.O.M. which is always a good feeling. Friday was good as well. We had the ward Christmas party that night. One of the things we did is when we sang "The 12 Days of Christmas" every table in the gym had their own part in the song. The table that i was at had 3 French Hens so that was pretty cool. They asked us to do a funny action when we said our part, so our table just bobbed out heads and looked funny :) it was a good time.

Well that's about it for now :) i hope you all have a wonderful week and............
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! <---- It's even color coordinated!!!
wow this is my second Christmas, that doesn't feel weird at all.... Love you all :D!
Elder Camron Foust