Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring or Summer?‏

Hey everybody!  So this week has been pretty good I would say.  The weather has been crazy though.  Everybody though spring was on its way but I guess summer decided that he wanted to come a bit earlier then usual.  It's been in the mid 70's most of the week and a couple days even hit the mid to upper 80's!  Luckily we have been outside a lot this past week helping people out so we have been getting a lot of sun and have been able to enjoy the nice weather. 

 Tuesday i was in Avon for the day on tours.  It was pretty good i guess.  We ended up walking a total of about 6 miles going to the library and back to the apartment.  After that we just went to a couple members houses and tracked a bit.  Like i said though this past week has been mostly service again.  Saturday we went from brother Ardiboni to sister Dea's to brother Patterson's.  Really I wish i could tell you something different then just doing service for others but that is really most of what we have been doing lately, and its been keeping us extremely busy.  Though I do have kind of a cool/simple story to tell that happened on Thursday morning while we were driving to District meeting.  Before we leave the house to go anywhere we say a prayer.  In the prayer I asked that we would be able to resist the temptations that came our way thought the day.  As we were driving to the meeting I realized that I had the very peace calm feeling around me and it was really nice actually.  I realized at that moment that I was being comforted and that my prayer had and was going to be answered thought the day.  And all I really remember is that that day I didn’t feel too terribly tempted, and also that when I was tempted I was able to change my thoughts quite easily.  So the moral of the story is that prayer works :) so you should all try it and keep trying until it’s just a good habit that you have. 

 Well I wish I had more to tell you, but I’m having trouble remember what happened this week other then service :) which is always good.  So I hope you all have a wonderful week! 

Elder Camron Foust

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hopefully this works‏

Alright I just noticed I talk a lot about service in my e-mail in this area but o well its what we do here.  So here are the past two weeks of e-mails that I guess some people aren’t getting!!!!!!

Why hello there everybody!  So this week has been pretty good I must say.  For the most part though we did a heck of a lot of service, which I do enjoy.  So let’s see what days did we do service.  So Tuesday we did like we usually do with brother moore.  We cut some wood and also went and got some wood from off the top of his property.  Aslo when we were up there, E. P. showed me a swing that they had that their kids use to swing on when they were much younger.  This swing puts you WAY up in the air and is kinda scary but pretty awesom at the same time.  Then on Friday i believe we did some service as well.  We helped somebody move into a new apartment and that took up the better part of the day.  Saturday we played soem b-ball with the ward till about 12.  After that we went to the Jameson house and helped them paint the basement for a good 2 hours.  Then around 3 we went to Brother Ardiobonies place and helped him stack/move some wood around his yard and that took till about 6 and then he fed us dinner, so that took up pretty much the rest of the day.  This next week we will be having a lot of service opportunities again which I’m excited for.  We were able to teach Tom this week.  E. P. and i were trying to figure out what we should teach him, but neither of us could think of anything so we finally decided to pick up where we left of last time and that was on the Holy Ghost.  At first things were going alright.  We asked Tom a simple question about the H.G. and he answered that question for a good 10-15 minutes.  When we finally got thing back on track and we were starting to bring in the spirit, the phone rang......this always happens and it's quite annoying.  Well sadly the phone call was a bearer of bad news and what little we had of the spirit in the room just vanished like that.  So we tried to bring it back again, but we were uncessfull.  From that experience i could tell that the adversary was trying really hard to keep the spirit from being there and I must say he did a pretty good job at it, but that doesn’t change anything :) we will just go to Tom's house again and hope that the environment will be better this go around.  But the cool thing is that Tom needed to hear about the H.G. and how he can help us through our trials and make things seams a bit lighter then they were before.  So all in all i would say that it was still a successful visit :).  Well that’s pretty much all the excitement ive had this week.  I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Alright so yes I am staying in Bristol and so is elder P. :) so pretty much no new changes this transfer and I’m ok with that.  So my mom has asked me for this month to put something up about luck with the Holy Ghost.  So I’m going to do the best that I can this month to see if I can pull something off every week to tell you about.  So this week I had something in mind, not really sure if it was luck or not but it was still a simple but interesting thing that happened.  So like i said it was pretty simple.  E. P and i were having personally study one day and when we finished we went into comp study.  Well most missionaries talk a little bit about what they studied and try to learn from one another.  Anyway I was reading in Alma somewhere I believe and it was on being forgiving of our sins, and E. P was reading something about committing sins and how they can condemn us.  Those two tings were exactly what we needed to teach Tim and Carol that day and it was just kind of cool to think that we were both prompted to study those two different topics so that we would be prepared that day to teach :) so that’s the story I have for you this week.  So what happened this week, well WE GOT BROTHER ARDIBONI TO CHURCH.....AND HIS WIFE!!!!  It was pretty epic actually.  We went over there Sunday morning and said Brother Ardibonie....your coming to church today.  He gave a couple of excuses like I don’t know where my clothing is, then his wife said o it’s in the closet haha.  He said a couple other things as well but finally he just said "Ah the heck with it I might as well give up and go" lol anyway it was really awesome and great to see him at church.  He hasn't been to church in about 5 years I think so that was a great accomplishment for E. P and I :).  Let’s see what else I just realized that I have me new planner on me so I don’t remember what happened lat week haha, o well :).  O ya so the other day I made a dinner for one of our members who just had surgery on her spine, she had a ruptured disc so she has been in a lot of pain lately, but the surgery went well.  Anyway I made her chicken and rice and just to let my mom know what kind it was, I used the breading that you sent with me when I left on my mish.  It was pretty good :) not as good as my mom makes it but what the heck I think I did a pretty good job :) well i think that it for now :) i love you all and i hope you have a great week!

Well there you go :) love you all have a great week!
Elder Camron Foust

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Service week.‏

So apparently people haven’t been getting my e-mails lately and I’m not sure why.  I guess ill send the last two weeks worth of e-mails again and hopefully you all get them this time :) if you received them already, well sorry that you have to get it again :).  So this week has been full of service, pretty much none stop service really.  Let’s begin on Tuesday though.  So this last Tuesday we had leadership training and since E. Piachitelli is the DL we went to that.  It started on 9AM and we didn’t get out of there till 530PM!!!!  Holy long meeting, but it was good :).  Probably one of the few meetings where I was able to stay awake the entire time and not be completely bored out of my mind haha.  We talked about a lot of thing but one thing that we talked about was talking to 10 extra people a day that we hadn't planned on.  Funny to think that were planning to talk to 10 people we didn’t plan on talking figure that one out ;).  Well anyway the next day, Wednesday, we helped a less active family move.  All we did really was put stuff in a truck so they could drive to Florida.  Kinda cool though I got a couple drafting things out of it so that was worth while :).  I got a portable drafting table and a drafting ruler so woot.  Thursday we went to brother Moore and helped him fix a lot of equipment again.  This time we fixed a wood chipper and a trailer hitch.  Friday we helped Tim again on the house that he is fixing up on the inside.  I cuz a lot of trim again and got that pretty much all done.  I guess next time we go over that he is going to ask me to cuz tile....Dad never taught me that but I guess I might as well give it a try :) I did watch him cut tile and I do pretty good after I watch somebody do it.  Saturday we helped Brother Ardibonie again.  Pretty much did the same thing we always do, cut wood and stack it :)

but its always fun.  Later that day we went over to Sister Dea's house and set up her patio for the summer!!!  It hit 70 that day and I think yesterday it hit seams like were sipping spring and going rite into summer!  Nor sure if i like that or not.  I would prefer a spring because summer as a missionary kind of sucks seeing as we are wearing dark clothing and sweating up a storm!  So ya this week had a BUNCH of service for sure :) but that is something I truly enjoy and am glad that we have so many service opportunities in this area.  Sunday though was just a normal day for the most part.  We went to this park, and let me tell you it is one nice park for the community, anyway we went there and started talking to random people trying to talk to our ten for the day.  It was interesting to see, in such a short time, so many different personalities.  A couple people just said hi back.  Others talked to us for a second and it was nice.  Then there were others who told us to go to heck and yelled at us as we walked by haha.  The only thing you can do when that happens is laugh and keep on moving :) you get use to it after 19 months......holy wow 19 months IM GETTIN OLD!!!  Well I think that’s about all I got for this week :) have a wonderful week everybody!!!

Elder Camron Foust