Well I must say yesterday was quite a good day to say the least!!! So I got to Skype with my parents yesterday and talk to my sister :) what a good day. I don’t think anything could have made me upset or anything epically after you are able to talk with you family. It is amazing how we take such a simple thing for granted, but when you can’t do it for so long you cherish the smallest of things.

So this week has been pretty good I would say. Really we did pretty normal stuff with service and what not :) So we taught Keila the plan of salvation on Friday and that went pretty well. We had the puzzle that the Mathews family gave to me and I think that helped out a bit :) it is always good to have a visual for any age. AHHH my time is almost up and I’m stuck on what to say haha. Anyway things are going alright out here :) can’t complain at all really. Well honestly I’m not sure what to say other then today we are having a zone battle with spring field and that should be a lot of fun :) I hope you all have a great week LOVE YOU!!!
-- Love