Monday, July 25, 2011

I was receiving inspiration

Hello everybody! How are you all doing today! I hope all is well and everything went well on Saturday. I was quite sad to hear the my great grandma Anderson dies last week, but at the same time I was really happy to know that she was no longer in pain and that she is now with our Heavenly Father :) It's so awesome to have that knowledge that we have about life after death and that we all know that we WILL see out families after we die! I find a lot of comfort in that especially since I was hoping that I was going to be able to see her one last time after I got home.

This past week has been interesting for sure. A lot of crazy things have happened which I can't talk too much about. On Thursday though we had interviews with Prez Evans :) that was great. This happens once every 3 months about and is a chance for us to talk with him about anything. It is also a time for us to get to know him a little bit more on a personal level so I enjoy having interviews :) there enjoyable. After that we had a zone activate and we played a couple games. We played Ninja Destruction, signs, and.....I can't remember the 3rd game but they were all fun :) afterwards we had some pizza for lunch it was a great day. Hmmmm what else to talk about, I forgot my planner this week so please forgive me if this e-mail is a bit shorter then they have been lately, but that's how they use to be not too long ago right :) o well. So we were able to have dinner with Jian yesterday. He is a Chinese investigator. We were able to figure out some of his concerns, that I didn't know about, and we were able to tell him what he needed to do so that he could receive answers to his questions more fully. It was a really good lesson that we had with him and I feel like we made some ground work with him finally. We had a baptism date for the 6th of August and we are planning on having that happen no matter what! Unless he doesn't feel like he received an answer then I guess we will have to push it back. I felt like I was receiving inspiration for him which was really cool. I was having all of these thoughts that I just started spitting out and I felt like it was what he needed to hear and I would never have thought of those things before :) it was a cool experience for me. Well I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy your self's :) ill chat with you next week!

Elder Camron Foust

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