Hello everybody! How crazy is it to think that I have been on my mission for over a year now! holy cow that's intense it honestly does not feel like I have been away from home for over a year! It's weird to think that I haven't seen anybody that I love back home physically for over a year and I'm not going to lie that kind of hit me on the 19th and I got a bit home sick, I wanted nothing more than to be home for just an hour even and give everybody a big ol hug! but a las that cannot be, but that's alright :) I will live I mean I am in a wonderful area and I have great roommates so I got the support I need physically and I got all the support I need from my friends an family who are far away! So this week has been good, i am still complete lost as to what is going on because there is so much that is happening in this area rite now it's crazy!!! We had Zone Conference this past week and we focused on the Atonement. It was a good meeting, i would try and give more detail as to what happened but it was just a lecture pretty much from all of the ZL's in different Zones. So at Zone conference there is an award for the cleanest car in the Zones. This happens every Zone Conference so E. Pestana and I decided that we needed to clean the car out a bit. So we used a vacume and got the inside then we went to a car wash and we washed the car and we both decided that it looked good. Well it was good enough that we ended up winning the cleanest car :) how cool is that huh. We got a $20 subway card and a candy bar so that was cool for sure.

Also this past week we had a Mini Missionary. His name is Ben Pittman and he was with us for 3 days. He was set apart and everything, the only thing he didn't have was a badge sadly enough. So it was an awesome experience being with him for 3 days and being in a trio. I had a good time teaching him a bit about mission life and we were able to get him excited to go on a full time mission :) we let him know that it's not all strict and as crazy as a lot of people make it out to be but that's its a lot more chill and enjoyable then you would think but most defiantly not the easiest thing you will do but one of the most rewarding things you will ever do! I'm really not sure what else to say at this point and time. This area is awesome, but i am having minor trouble with my new comp, but hey that's life rite:) accept the challenges that are thrown your way and grow from them and become the better person that God intends you to be! I have a quote for all of you that is very true yet very sad "Home is where we are loved the most, but act the worst" Give that some thought :) and think of ways that you can change that saying in your own homes. I love you all and i hope you all have a blessed week!
Elder Camron Foust
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