Monday, January 23, 2012

Victory over death comes through Christ

Hello there people, so ya I understand that I was supposed to e-mail all of you yesterday, but that didn’t happen.  So as I was e-mailing yesterday, I was able to get a couple e-mail off before the server shut down -_- so we ended up going out and doing stuff and decided that we would come to the library today for about 30 minutes and send off our e-mails :).  Anyway now that I got that all out and explained what I should tell you.  So Today has been pretty eventful so far.  We ended up going to Ron's house today at 9 AM and it was pretty cool.  I'm not sure if I have talked about Ron or not but I guess I could give a quick overview of him.  So at one point in his life he was married and he has 2 or 3 kids I believe.  But then something happened and he started to think that he was receiving revelation from God that he was Christ.  So all sorts of things went down and now sadly he is divorced.  Anyway that is a quick overview of him.  So we met with him today and he brought up a scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:29  he asked us about baptisms for the dead :) so that lead rite into lesson two which is the plan of salvation.  

Last week we had interviews with Prez Evans on Friday in Amherst.  It's kinda funny being in this zone again because I know it like the back of my hand it seams like.  If you don’t know I served in Amherst roughly a year ago.  So that went well, he asked me a lot of questions about how the work is going and what not and asked about the new apartment that we have.  Other then that though nothing too special.  Later that day, when we got home, we went over to brother weagles house and helped him build a miniature shelter/garage type of thing.  It's big enough to put a log cutter and a generator underneath it :) so that was fun, I got to use the skills that my father has taught me a little bit and it felt really good being able to know how to do something like that, even though it was quite easy to figure out :).  The member kept asking me all these questions and I was able to answer all of them just because of the experience i have had working on house with my dad :), thanks dad I love you!  Then on Sunday I gave a talk in sacrament!!!!  So 17 months into my mission I finally gave my first talk in sacrament......I was hoping I could make the full 2 years but alas that didn't happen.  The talk was on being spiritually prepared and how, as a missionary, we do that.  So pretty much all I talked about was the missionary daily schedule and how that helps us become more spiritually prepared every day.

So that's pretty much all of the excitement that happened last week :) it was a pretty good week for the most part.  We had a couple people cancel on us, but that always happens, hopefully we will be able to meet with them this week.  Well we will all find out next week if I am staying or going or what :) I’m not sure what I want, I want to leave, but I think I could stand staying for one more, I guess we will find out eh :) anyway I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Elder Camron Foust

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